Course Listings

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Foundation Courses - group 4:

In the Foundation Courses of group 4, students will choose subjects within the Arts and/or the sciences, along with one or more Media Arts discipline in which to specialize (these subjects should be considered cross-disciplinary).

Whether individually or in teams, students will use the skills learned during prior phases of the program to produce a New Media presentation.

Depending on the subject matter and Media Arts discipline, the proper faculty and/or professional will be assigned to mentor the individual or team during project development.

Classroom time will be used for project planning and brain-storming, "staff" meetings between individuals, teams and mentors and making sure that projects are kept on track.

Presentations will be reviewed at the conclusion of the semester.
(Please click here to view a working example.)

New Media Vocational Skill(6 Credits):
Subjects that can be included, but are not limited to:
ICS 290 Creating an On-Line Publication
ICS 290*  Intermediate Video Compositing
ICS 290* Product Production in Print Media(?)
ICS 290* Authoring for CD ROM and Interactive Web Production
TCOMM 290* Advanced Nonlinear Video Editing
TCOMM 290* Virtual Reality Formats
ICS 290* Programming With Graphics Language Extensions

Arts and Cultural Literacy(3 Credits)
Subjects that can be included, but are not limited to:
HUM100 Themes in Humanities
DRAMA 280  Beginning Playwriting
ENG 253  World Literature (Eastern)
ENG 256 Types of Literature
SP 231 Interpretive Reading (or other speech class.)
MUS 122 C Elementary Class Piano II
MUS 216 Elementary Class Piano III
MUS 123 Beginning Voice Class
MUS 167 Evolution of American Popular Music
MUS 253 Basic Experiences of Music
MUS 290 B* New Forms of Music Two
MUS 290 C* New Forms of Music Three

Internship/Entreprenuership (3 Credits):
Subjects that can be included, but are not limited to:
BUSINESS Internships
ENT 120  Starting a Small Business
ENT 290* Building a Business on the Web and through Catalogs
ENT 290* Invention and Innovation; a Historical Context and Practical Approach

Natural Science or Social Science Electives: (3 Credits)

Choice of any natural or social science through arrangement with science instructor to satisfy course requirements largely through modeling. (refer to classes listed near the end of this section.)

*Courses with asterisks (*) need to be created. Courses named ‘290’ are special topics classes in first phase of development.